User Community
This section contains information on the active registered users that have added content to the site (researchers and practitioners).
We welcome a wide range of users to register from sport and recreation practitioners (e.g. sport and recreation professional/volunteer, e.g. sports administrator, sport and recreation planner, coach, official, event manager etc) to planners, policy makers and analysts (in government and non-government organisations) to researchers (academic and commercial; students and professionals).
Registering and contributing
Note you do not have to be registered to use the Sport and Recreation Knowledge Library, anyone can search and view content on this site.
Registering lets you add your profile, subscribe to daily updates, share information on your projects, ideas and publications with your colleagues across New Zealand.
You can register using only your name and email address if you wish. No other personal information will be shared without your permission.
To register, click on click on the Register Account box which appears at the top of every page and then follow the instructions.
Adding content
The Knowledge Library is the ideal place to share your knowledge and skills with your colleagues across New Zealand.
We are looking for your latest ideas, projects and resources that the rest of the sector can use to address sport and recreation issues in New Zealand.
It is easy to add new content to by following these easy steps.
- Click on the Add New tab when you want to add content to (for example, Add Research ideas’ or ‘Add Research Completed’).
- Type in a title.
- Type in or paste in the text you wish to share.
- Add any attachments by browsing your computer.
- Click Submit.