John News

User Type:



Participation Manager




John News is Sport Northern Ireland’s Participation Manager - a role he has held since 2003. John’s remit includes work with the community, public and private sectors across issues such as health, education, sport, social development, training & activity tourism. In recent years he has led the development and delivery of a number of SNI strategic interventions such as Activ8 (physical literacy interventions), Awards for Sport (small grants programme) and Active Communities (community coaching and engagement). He is also responsible for SNI's work to support and improve access to and participation in 'outdoor recreation'. He was one of the key authors of 'Sport Matters', the Northern Ireland Executive's agreed strategy for the development of sport and physical recreation in the period 2009-2019. John's has also contributed to a number of other Northern Ireland government strategic partnership initiatives, addressing issues such as obesity and active travel.

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