Sue Walker

User Type:



Manager Research


Sport New Zealand




Dr Sue Walker is Research Manager for Sport New Zealand and was the research and information manager for Sport NZ’s predecessor, the Hillary Commission. She also has been the manager of the Health Sponsorship Council's Research and Evaluation Unit, the Department of Internal Affairs’ Research and Evaluation Services team, and information manager for the Commerce Commission. Before coming to New Zealand in 1995, Sue worked on an extensive range of projects as a contract researcher in the university, public and private sectors in the UK.

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Research Completed

Outdoor Recreation in the Lives of Young New Zealanders

As part of a survey of over 17,000 young people (five to 18 years old) throughout New Zealand, information has been captured about a range of activities that take place in the  outdoors... read more

Sport and Recreation in the Lives of Young New Zealanders

Sport New Zealand’s Young People’s Survey is a school-based survey of over 17,000 young New Zealanders (5 to 18 years old). The results in this initial report provide information about... read more