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City On Its Feet

Kiri Pope

Tauranga’s ‘City On Its Feet’ (COIF) programme is aimed at getting people walking more often. The project, launched in October 2005, helps co-ordinate new and existing local walking... read more

Mairangi Bay Bowling Club Amalgamation (case study)

Sport NZ

This case study looks at the amalgamation of the Mairangi Bay Women’s and Men’s Bowling Clubs, which then enabled a re-development to create a new, beach volleyball facility for the North... read more

Lower Hutt Interschool Sport Case Study

Georgina Duindam

Sport Wellington has recently seen the completion of a three year project undertaken by their Young Persons team, to demonstrate and facilitate the benefits of interschool sport in the Lower Hutt... read more

Hauraki Gulf Marine Spatial Plan. Commercial and Recreational Fishing. Factsheet July 2014


Sea Change – Tai Timu Tai Pari is about ensuring the Hauraki Gulf is a healthy, productive and sustainable resource for all users.  This is one of several project factsheets outlining key... read more

In Fact 6: New Zealand's Coaching Workforce

James Heffield

Sport NZ commissioned The New Zealand Coaching Workforce Literature Review (September 2014) to support the implementation of the New Zealand Community Sport Coaching Plan. The review sought to... read more

Sport Northland’s board structure and strong culture encourages RSO involvement

Sport Northland

Overview It is extremely important for regional sport trusts (RSTs) to have strong working relationships with regional sport organisations (RSOs). Strong links encourage RSOs to get involved in RST... read more

Gaming Funding into the Sport and Physical Activity/ Recreation Sector 2012. In Fact. Sport NZ Knowledge Factsheet (4)

Dee Lambie

Every year national gaming machine societies (Class 4 gaming) distribute a significant amount of funds to the sport and recreation sector in New Zealand.  Grants from all the gaming machine... read more

Sport and Recreation in the Lives of Teenagers

Sport New Zealand

This document provides a summary of both international research about the way teenagers participate and also the solutions and responses that these countries have implemented to try and encourage... read more

Talent Development in the New Zealand Sporting Context. In Fact. Sport NZ Knowledge Factsheet Series

Kiri Milne

This factsheet summarises the findings of a study by the University of Otago, aimed at understanding the process of talent development, as well as ‘performance factors’ that influence talent... read more

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