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Voting with their feet: use of recreation sites on public conservation land and waters by New Zealanders

Sven Schroeder

Voting with Their Feet describes New Zealanders patterns of visitation to Public Conservation Land & Waters at a national and regional level. It uses infographics to indicate the regions... read more


New Zealand Secondary Schools Sports Council Inc

The results of the 2014 NZSSSC School Sport Census released recently show a continuation of the trend of recent years with 54% of students representing their school in sport in 2014, up 1% from the... read more

Visitor Trends Report: Tongariro Whanganui Taranaki Conservancy

This report, was developed to support an upcoming series of strategic planning exercise being led by the Department of Conservation in the Tongariro Whanganui Taranaki... read more

New Zealand Mountain Safety Council National Incident Database 2012 Report (non-snowsports)

Prepared by Gordon Cessford of Visitor Solutions for the New Zealand Mountain Safety Council

This report summarises annual results from the non-ski incident reporting in the National Incident Database (NID) from the 2012 calendar year – January 1st to December 31st. It adds to a series... read more

A population based assessment of the geographical accessibility of outdoor recreation opportunities in New Zealand

Lars Brabyn

Active participation in the outdoors not only provides enjoyment and adventure, but it is also important for health and promoting conservation values. The latter is particularly important for young... read more

New Zealand outdoor recreation benefits

Kaval, Pamela

Millions of people participate in outdoor recreation activities in New Zealand every year. Economic recreation studies in the country concentrate mostly on market values. Market values only present... read more

National Incident Database Report 2009

Cessford, G.

This report summarises data collected on the National Incident Database for the 2009 year, and builds on the 2007-08 report. It presents summary figures and interpretations from a range of database... read more

Avalanche Incidents and Accidents 1981-1998

Irwin, D. & MacQueen, W.

The New Zealand Mountain Safety Council has collected details of avalanche incidents and accidents since 1981. This report presents the second analysis of this amassed data (the first taking place in... read more

A History of Avalanche Accidents in Aotearoa New Zealand

Irwin, D. & Owens, I.

This paper is based on a study for the New Zealand Mountain Safety Council which investigated the circumstances contributing to the deaths of 128 people in avalanches between 1863 and 1999. The study... read more

West Coast Visitor Report

Moran, D., Sleeman, R. & Simmons, D. G.

This report forms part of a series of eight constituent reports on Tourism in Westland, which in turn is one of four case studies in the programme ‘Improved Management of Tourist Flows and... read more

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