Search and Rescue Annual Statistics Report 2001 – 2002 Research Completed
Search and Rescue Annual Statistics Report 2001 – 2002
Lead Author
New Zealand Police
New Zealand Police
Publication Year
New Zealand Police
The total number of searches, 1120 is slightly down from last years final total (1143). However anecdotal evidence indicates that SAR is still under-reported nationally.
The Police continue to have a strong relationship with our strategic partners in search and rescue, New Zealand Land Search and Rescue and the Royal New Zealand Coastguard Federation. This can be credited to the strengths of both organisations, and the dedication and commitment of the persons involved.
An operational highlight in land search and rescue is 15,630 hours of volunteer time were given with no claims for lost wages received. A study indicated that for every hour deployed operationally, a land volunteer spends approximately 12 hours in training. This means that up to 203,000 hours were contributed nationally by volunteers towards land SAR, and these persons are principally members of New Zealand Land Search and Rescue Inc.
An operational highlight for marine search and rescue is 7,280 hours of volunteer time where given with no claim for lost wages received. The Royal New Zealand Coastguard Federation Affiliates are the principal volunteer resource within New Zealand for marine incidents.
Acknowledgement must also be given to police involved in search and rescue, either as squad members, co-ordinators, or assisting in a search. The total number of hours contributed by Police is 13,609.
Search and Rescue is a successful partnership between the community and the police.
Police, Rescue, Search and Rescue, SAR, Injuries, Fatalities, Statistics, New Zealand
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Areas of Focus
Settings (location)
Provision (delivery type & infrastructure)
Coast and beach, Mountains, National Parks, Parks - remote/backcountry, Parks - rural, Rivers and lakes, Travel and Transport
June 28, 2012
Last Modified
June 28, 2012